USB Redirector Technician Edition (x64) Full + Activator

Full Version

USB Redirector Technician Edition (x64) Full Version

Software USB Redirector Technician Edition direka untuk profesional yang menyediakan perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan peranti USB jauh seperti flashing, memperbaiki atau mengkonfigurasi telefon pintar, pencetak, modem, pengawal CNC; atau melakukan diagnostik kenderaan jarak jauh dan perkhidmatan lain melalui USB adapter. USB Redirector Technician Edition (x64) Full Version.


Developed specifically for remote servicing.
This product was developed with the goal of remote servicing in mind. Thus, it does it in the most efficient way possible. It can be used for flashing, programming or any other type of servicing.

Supports broad range of USB devices.
It can be used to service printes, mobile phones, 3G modems, embedded devices or any other USB devices that support servicing over USB cable.

Free customer module.
Comes with a free customer module, an easy-to-use portable application that works on the customer’s side and redirects USB devices to technician.

Customization service.
It is possible to order a customized Customer Module with your logo. We can integrate your address into the program as well, so that customers do not have to enter it everytime they need to service their device.

Supported OS:

  • Windows 64bit


How to Install:

1. Matikan antivirus
2. Ekstrak files dan install program
3. Exit setelah selesai
4. Apply URTE Cracker sebagai admin
5. Done.





Download Here:

64bit ⇒ [36.8MB] USB Redirector Technician Edition Full | Mirror

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