Pano2VR Pro 6.1.13 (x64) Full + Crack

Full Version

Pano2VR Pro 6.1.13 (x64) Full Version

Pano2VR membolehkan anda menerbitkan gambar panorama anda dalam beberapa minit. Tidak kira jenis projek apa yang sedang anda jalankan, sama ada, panorama gigapixel atau lawatan maya dengan beratus-ratus nod, Pano2VR akan membantu anda dengan cepat menjalankan projek anda di desktop dan juga peranti mudah alih. Pano2VR Pro 6.1.13 (x64) Full Version.


Improve your images.
Sometimes panoramas are not level and have unwanted tripods…it happens. Straightening the horizon and removing the tripod from the panorama can be accomplished with a few simple clicks.

Build a Virtual Tour.
No matter how large the tour, Pano2VR Pro can help you quickly and easily put it together with automatic linking, filtering, master node editing and a built-in Tour Map.

Enhance the experience.
Add interactive elements like hotspots, directional sound and video to your panoramas. Use the powerful Skin Editor to design custom buttons and controllers – all of which can be made responsive so the design fits to any screen. No coding required. We promise!

Seamlessly change projections.
Easily reproject spherical panoramas during viewing or open a panorama from a little planet view to a rectilinear view on opening or create a standard format video that moves through different projections.

Reveal the highlights.
Guide viewers by creating an animation path through your panoramas or tour to show off the best areas. At any time, the viewer can interact and explore further. You can even export this walk-through as a video file.

Contribute to Google Street View.
Pano2VR offers an easy way to add and edit existing panoramas and tours to Google Street View. Once you’ve connected your account, you will see all tours and panoramas that you’ve uploaded to Google Street View. You can continue to add to your gallery or even download the existing images.

Show your work.
Export your panoramas as HTML5, Flash or QuickTime VR formats or use our handy plugins to post them directly to your WordPress, Joomla or Drupal site. Pano2VR will also help you to transform your images into different projections for printing.

Supported OS:

  • Windows 64bit



How To Install:

1. Matikan koneksi internet
2. Ekstrak files dan install program
3. Exit setelah selesai
4. Copy kandungan crack ke folder program
5. C:\Program Files\Pano2VR6
6. Register guna key yang disediakan
7. Block program dengan firewall
8. Done.





Download Here:

64bit ⇒ [207.5MB] Pano2VR Pro 6.1.13 Full | Mirror

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