Apowersoft Screen Capture Pro Full + Crack

Full Version

Apowersoft Screen Capture Pro Full Version

Terima kasih kepada interface mesra penggunanya, anda dengan cepat dapat mengakses fitur yang termasuk dalam program ini. Sama ada snapshot cepat atau rakaman skrin mudah, Apowersoft Screen Capture Pro membolehkan anda untuk menggunakan semua ini melalui interface yang menakjubkan dan boleh dipercayai. Apowersoft Screen Capture Pro Full Version.


Multiple capture modes
From fixed region to window, full-screen, there’s a wide range of capture modes that you can take full advantage of. The captured images can be saved in various formats such as PNG, JPG, BMP, PDF, etc. While, videos can be saved in MP4, WMV, AVI, FLV and many other formats.

Different scenarios
There are different situations in which you want to take screenshots or make video recording. For example, you may want to capture a single window, web pages, webcams, or select the capture area on your own. This screen capture software provides you with the unique opportunity to do all of these and much more.

Capture Anything on Screen
Thanks to the user-friendly interface, you are able to quickly access the features included in this program. Be it quick snapshot or easy screen recording, Apowersoft Screen Capture Pro allows you to utilize all of these through the stunning and reliable interface.

Simple and Advanced Image Editors
Upon creating a snapshot, this professional screenshot tool will help you do everything no matter you need to perform multiple modifications, add annotations or just bring some effects. Thanks to the instant editing sidebars and advanced editing panel, all edits can be done quickly without any hassle.

Annotate screenshot instantly
By using the quick editor of this screenshot software, you can annotate the snapshot with editing options on the horizontal toolbar. It can help you quickly add lines, text, arrows, highlight, blur and others to the captured image.

Professional image editor
This application is also equipped with a professional image editor with which users can do all the annotations that simple editor provides, and make other advanced edits such as cropping, resizing, rotating, or even adding effects like shadow, torn edge, etc.

Create schedule tasks
The screenshot scheduler gives you the best option in this regard. Just take a short while to configure the time for activating the snapshot, and then you can rest assured and leave the other things for the program. It can also be used to surveil your computer in the background.

Flexible settings for scheduler
Users won’t find it hard to create scheduled screenshots as it provides flexible settings for customizing the specific time, internal, region and the output folder for taking snapshots automatically.

Schedule screenshots daily/weekly
For those who need to make scheduled snapshots on daily/weekly basis, you can also make use of this screenshot tool to do this trick. You can access this feature simply by enabling the daily trigger for making screenshots.

Upload and share images
Apowersoft Screen Capture Pro also comes with an integrated image uploading and social sharing function, so if you want to upload images to cloud space or share the images with friends, you will be able to work it out within a few clicks. The whole uploading and sharing process comes seamlessly in this screen capture software.

What’s New:

  • Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

Supported OS:

  • Windows


How To Install:

1. Ekstrak files dan install program
2. Exit setelah selesai
3. Copy kandungan crack ke folder program
4. *C:\…\Apowersoft\Apowersoft Screen Capture Pro
5. Done.




Download Here:

⇒ [28.4MB] Apowersoft Screen Capture Pro Full | Mirror

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